Second International Folk Festival “Malinik 2012” was held on September 21-23rd 2012. at Bor and Zlot and Brestovac villages. Folk ensembles from Macedonia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Serbia were presenting their traditional dances.
NGO Village organized this Festival in cooperation with Bor Municipal Centre for Culture, Brestovac Municipality, Folk Ensamble “Djido“ Brestovac, NGO “Primovara” Zlot, Mountaineers Association „Dubašnica“ Zlot, Zlot Municipality, Elementary School „Stanoje Miljković” Brestovac, Elementary School „Branko Radičević“ Bor and Elementary School “Petar Radovanović“ Zlot.
General sponsor was Bor Municipality and TV Bor and TV Sezam were our media sponsors